Tag Archives: vision

Vision for the World en tant que québecois(e)

As a staff team at UQAM we started going through a document I found on Crupress Green called Ministry Principles God Honours. It was such a good reminder for us to look at the three principles of campus ministry: the Lord as our focus, the Word as our foundation, and the World as our scope. There were so many things to think about and reflect on in that first 9 pages. One thing that we were reflecting on was, “How do we maintain a focus for the world, when Quebec itself is in such need?”

In one sense the answer is simple. I’m reminded of that quétain quote, “If you shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land in the stars.” The general idea is, the farther you reach even if you fail, your success will reach more than if you had had a smaller goal.

But what does this look like practically? How do we encourage people to look beyond (but not past) the brokenness of their own people? 

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